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  1. Assisting in the formulation of the prison affairs policies and policies relating to the affairs of the Youth Correctional Institution;
  2. Taking charge of the administrative and financial management of Coloane Prison and the Youth Correctional Institution, formulating regulations and providing technical guidance and supervision;
  3. Taking charge of the organization and operation relating to the management and system of prison affairs;
  4. Taking charge of the organization and operation relating to the management and system of the educational guardianship measures for detained youths; 
  5. Collaborating, within its scope of responsibilities, with private entities to facilitate the social reintegration of offenders and detained youths.


We strive to provide internationally acclaimed quality custodial management and rehabilitation services.


Loyal and responsible. Never feel fear of challenges. Collaborate and cooperate. Serve the public.


Apply supervision measures both punitive and educational on inmates and provide diverse educational guardianship services for young offenders to facilitate their rehabilitation.  
Prevent crimes by reducing recidivism in order to attain social stability and protect citizens' life and property.

Monitoring Mechanism for the “performance Pledge”

For more effective implementation of its Performance Pledge, the Correctional Services Bureau established the “Performance Pledge Coordination Team”, chaired by the Director of the Bureau. The Team is committed to supervising the launch, improvement and refinement of the services provided as well as conducting the relevant consultations and reviews regularly, so that the pledged performance targets can be achieved.



Performance Pledge


Service Types

Completion Time 

(Working Days)

Performance Target
 1.  Application for Certificate of Imprisonment

Within 7 days*

2. Application for Certificate of Residence at Youth Correctional Institution Within 7 days△ 90%
3. Visiting Service

Application for Permit for Visiting Inmates

Within 7 days* 95%
Application for Permit for Visiting a Juvenile Delinquent

Within 8 days


Application for Service of Video Visit to an Inmate

Within 8 days*


Application for Service of Video Visit to a Juvenile Delinquent

Within 8 days


Support and Consultation Service from the Social Worker

Application for Service of Appointment with the Social Worker

Within 5 days




*  Completion time is calculated from the day when all necessary documents are received and consent of the inmate is obtained.

  Completion time is calculated from the day when all necessary documents are received.