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 Organizational Structure

Administrative Committee
  1. The Administrative Committee is the financial management organ of the Correctional Services Bureau.
  2. The Administrative Committee is composed of a president and two members. The president shall be the Director of the Bureau. One of the members shall be the Head of Resources and Information Management Department and the other shall be the Head of Finance and Property Division. In the event of vacancy of the post, absence of the person holding the post or inability of the person to discharge his or her duties on the post due to certain reason, the substitute concerned shall take over.
  3. The Administrative Committee has the following functions and powers:
(1) Formulate proposals for the operating budget and budget modification, and submit them to the supervisory entity for approval;
(2) Formulate financial management plans and policies and annual management accounts, and submit them to the supervisory entity for approval;
(3) Verify the lawfulness of expenditure and grant permission for the settlement of the expenditure;
(4) Organize accounts records, keep them always updated and supervise the compilation of accounts records.
Resources and Information Management Department
1. The Resources and Information Management Department has the following functions and powers:

(1) Take charge of the planning, management and use of the resources and infrastructure of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(2) Formulate human resources development and management plans;
(3) Research and formulate the detailed proposals in the respect of the information and communications of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(4) Plan and evaluate the development of the information technology systems of the Correctional Services Bureau, and coordinate the overall construction and application of information networks and systems;
(5) Cooperate with the subordinate entities and provide relevant support.

2. Established under the Resources and Information Management Department are:

(1) Human Resources Division;
(2) Finance and Property Division;
(3) Information and Communications Division;
(4) Repair and Maintenance Division.

Human Resources Division 
The Human Resources Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Research strategies concerning the planning, management and development of human resources and formulate related reports, and periodically estimate, assess and analyze human resources needs;
(2) Manage and update the human resources database;
(3) Formulate training plans and organize related activities as per the developmental and human resources needs of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(4) Formulate proposals for optimizing the special careers and systems of the staff of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(5) Provide the administrative support necessary for the discharge of responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(6) Carry out tasks related to the work performance appraisal procedure;
(7) Take charge of the reporting of attendance by new staff members, assist them in integrating into the Correctional Services Bureau and promote internal interpersonal relationships;
(8) Take charge of general administrative affairs and related registrations and files;
(9) Issue staff cards for the staff of the Correctional Services Bureau and monitor their use;
(10) Verify and supervise the time of provision of service by the staff of the Correctional Services Bureau.
Finance and Property Division
The Finance and Property Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Formulate and manage research reports, opinions and reports concerning the economic activity of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(2) Assist in formulating the proposals for setting the operating budget and make financial management plans;
(3) Follow up on and coordinate the implementation of the budget of the Correctional Services Bureau, periodically report to the superior about the status of budget implementation; propose and adopt related remedial measures if necessary;
(4) Take charge of handling the tasks related to the salaries, subsidies and deductions of the staff of the Correctional Services Bureau, as well as verifying and correcting related issues;
(5) Verify, handle and settle the expenditure of the Correctional Services Bureau based on documentary proof, especially in regard to the stringent observance of the law;
(6) Assist in formulating the monthly accounts and annual management accounts involving the financial management of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(7) Implement plans for obtainment of goods and services in accordance with the law, set tender specifications, carry out tender procedures, enquire quotations and formulate contract award proposals;
(8) Take charge of property management and the maintenance, safety and repair of vehicles;
(9) Take charge of the obtainment, reserve and allocation of the consumables, food or other items required for the operation of the subordinate entities;
(10) Formulate and continually update the property and equipment inventory of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(11) Provide the necessary logistical assistance concerning the day-to-day work and other administrative activities of the subordinate entities;
(12) Ensure the proper management of property, especially the stock and storage of uniforms and equipment, and continually update the information on the property inventory.
Information and Communications Division
The Information and Communications Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Assist in the research, analysis and optimization of the overall information and communications technology of the Correctional Services Bureau and submit reports;
(2) Design the most suitable automatized and computerized information management systems to rationalize the information channels and carry out the responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(3) Carry out routine testing, inspection and assessment of the information systems to ensure the quality of information products, and ensure that the products actually meet the overall goals of the Correctional Services Bureau and the specific goals of the subsidiary units and subordinate entities;
(4) Provide instructions and suggestions to enable equipment and applications to operate in a good state and test and inspect the related usage;
(5) Research and propose the obtainment of information equipment and related programs and set related management and disposal criteria;
(6) Set the safety rules required for the protection of information confidentiality, and manage the login methods of all information users;
(7) Take charge of handling information and ensuring information security and compliance with relevant legislation;
(8) Review the requests for procedure informatization raised by the subsidiary units and subordinate entities, consider their potential impact on existing and estimated resources, and analyze the impact on the new applications relating to the establishment of information channels;
(9) Plan and promote the adoption of new information and communications technology to promote the modernized operation of the Correctional Services Bureau and elevate its efficiency;
(10) Research and develop information systems and maintain their operation, especially the normal operation of the management systems of the subordinate entities and update of related systems;
(11) Manage and maintain the information systems, communications system, supervision systems, database and peripheral facilities and equipment of the Correctional Services Bureau and adopt suitable measures to ensure their safety and stability;
(12) At the end of the data retention periods prescribed by laws or regulations, propose to destroy data and information in accordance with the law;
(13) Cooperate with the information centers of other public entities and departments of the Macao Special Administrative Region to promote the compatibility of different information processing methods and other activities.
Repair and Maintenance Division
The Repair and Maintenance Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Research and recommend the engineering projects and facility and equipment improvement proposals conducive to the management and development of the Correctional Services Bureau; 
(2) Take charge of coordinating the management of the infrastructure of all subsidiary units and subordinate entities, and conduct research and provide support for the maintenance, conservation and renovation of the infrastructure, and conduct construction or maintenance works when necessary;
(3) Take charge of repairing and maintaining the facilities and equipment of all subsidiary units and subordinate entities;
(4) Using a systematic and technical approach, monitor the status of use of the facilities and equipment of the subordinate entities, formulate testing and operational records and ensure the good operation and safety of those facilities and equipment;
(5) Formulate the drawings and rules of works contracts, and the proposals for tender procedures, and cooperate with the Finance and Property Division to provide technical support for the tender procedures relating to works and repair;
(6) Organize and update the database and files concerning works drawings;
(7) Cooperate with other public entities and departments to promote the standardization and modernization of such respects as engineering technologies and industrial safety concerning the Correctional Services Bureau.
Public Relations and Information Division
The Public Relations and Information Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Receive opinions, suggestions, complaints and objections from the public, follow up on the relevant responses, and submit the related analyses and statistical reports;
(2) Periodically evaluate and review the efficacy of the public services provided, and provide feasible suggestions aimed at improving service quality, especially those relating to complaints, opinions and objections, as well as adopt relevant measures;
(3) Research and suggest forms of communication between the Correctional Services Bureau and members of the public, and ensure the liaison with the media;
(4) Release to the public information concerning the Correctional Services Bureau as per order of the superior;
(5) Coordinate the promotion work for the activities organized or joined by the Correctional Services Bureau in order to improve the image of the Correctional Services Bureau and assist prisoners and juveniles placed in detention in their social reintegration;
(6) Organize seminars, meetings and other similar activities and ensure the liaison between the Correctional Services Bureau and other public or private entities;
(7) Receive visiting public or private entities and introduce to them the functions of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(8) Receive the visiting competent diplomatic representatives, consular representatives and other foreign authorities with the responsibilities of protecting the interests of prisoners, and coordinate the responses to the enquiries raised by such representatives or authorities;
(9) Gather and process the publications or information of use to the Correctional Services Bureau;
(10) Organize the promotional information and materials concerning the Correctional Services Bureau.
Organization, Planning and Legal Support Division
The Organization, Planning and Legal Support Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Provide opinions and conduct related researches within the scope of the responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(2) Cooperate with all subsidiary units and subordinate entities to promote the drafting of laws and regulations involving the responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau;
(3) Provide opinions, within the scope of responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau, for legal matters concerning the enforcement of penalty of liberty deprivation and remand measures and social reintegration;
(4) Provide opinions, within the scope of responsibilities of the Correctional Services Bureau, for legal matters concerning the educational guardianship system for juveniles placed in detention and their social reintegration;
(5) Provide legal support for the drafting of contracts;
(6) Propose to launch disciplinary procedures or other investigation procedures and carry out investigative work as assigned by the superior;
(7) Conduct translation work;
(8) Research and help formulate policies concerning prison affairs and affairs of the Youth Correctional Institution;
(9) Research and formulate the short-, medium-, and long-term work plans for the Correctional Services Bureau and the reports on their implementation;
(10) Analyze and assess the implementation of different policies and measures and provide suggestions for improvement;
(11) Promote the simplification and standardization of administrative processes to improve the operation, internal management and service mode of the Correctional Services Bureau, and assess their efficacy;
(12) Research and propose the management mode conducive to the optimization of organization and operation and assess its efficacy;
(13) Provide suggestions for the internal and external coordination and communication mechanisms of the Correctional Services Bureau and for the promotion of cooperation.
Coloane Prison 
1. Coloane Prison is the prison affairs department referred to in criminal law, criminal procedure law and laws and regulations on the enforcement of penalty, and is responsible for enforcing the penalty of liberty deprivation and remand measures. It has the following functions and powers:
(1) Adopt various measures for the correct enforcement of the penalty of liberty deprivation and remand measures, specifically, provision of assistances in social, economic, familial and psychological respects and the respects of medical and health care, employment, school education, vocational training, as well as cultural, recreational and sports activities, and make prisoners abide by the disciplinary regulations.
(2) Facilitate the social reintegration of prisoners;
(3) Coordinate and supervise the tasks relating to the social reintegration, monitoring and escort of prisoners within the scope of its responsibilities;
(4) Supervise the measures adopted by its subsidiary units for the optimization of social reintegration, monitoring and escort work;
(5) Coordinate and supervise the formulation and update by its subsidiary units of personal plans for prisoners’ re-adaptation to society;
(6) Facilitate the assignment of prisoners to different detention areas based on the criteria of enforcement of penalty and the stipulations of the law;
(7) Arrange and take charge of the management of production workshops so that the goals relating to the social reintegration of prisoners, reasonable use of manpower and material resources, and guarantee of suitable and safe working environment are aligned;
(8) Organize the personal files of prisoners and the relevant records;
(9) Organize and update the information cards of prisoners;
(10) Pay attention to the periods for the granting of parole, extending of sentences, review and extending of detention, and to the ending date of enforcement of penalty or security punishment;
(11) Assist in setting the criteria and rules for the formulation of the duty timetable of members of the Prison Guard Corps, and supervise the arrangement and implementation of duty time;
(12) Take charge of managing the personnel, property and equipment assigned to Coloane Prison and the progress of engineering projects;
(13) Formulate reports and opinions as required.
2. With permission of the Director of the Correctional Services Bureau, Coloane Prison provides opinions for the safety or order management of the Youth Correctional Institution and provides technical and operational support.
3. With permission of the Director of the Correctional Services Bureau, Coloane Prison provides to the Youth Correctional Institution opinions and administrative and technical support in respect of the health care and medical care and assistances within the scope of its responsibilities.
4. Coloane Prison has a Male Detention Zone and a Female Detention Zone, each having two sub-sections: one for remandees and the other for sentenced persons.
5. Coloane Prison may also establish one or more special detention zones outside the areas referred to in the preceding Clause for confining prisoners classified as requiring precaution and prisoners who must be held under absolute or limited isolation regulations and special isolation security regulations.
6. With permission of the competent member of the Government, Coloane Prison may exceptionally provide protective custody.
7. Coloane Prison must set the detailed provisions regarding its organization and operation in accordance with the internal regulations recognized by the Secretary for Security.
The subsidiary units of Coloane Prison are:
(1) Social Assistance, Education and Training Division;
(2) Security and Vigilance Division;
(3) Prison Affairs Support Division.
Social Assistance, Education and Training Division
1. The Social Assistance, Education and Training Division is the social reintegration department referred to in criminal law, criminal procedure law and laws and regulations on the enforcement of penalty and security punishment when handling matters involving the following people:
(1) Suspects on remand;
(2) People sentenced to the penalty of deprivation of liberty;
(3) People sentenced to protective custody in Coloane Prison.
2. As the social reintegration department, the Social Assistance, Education and Training Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Formulate the reports required for decision-making as stipulated by law;
(2) Appraise the personality of suspects;
(3) Formulate personal plans for re-adaptation to society as stipulated by law.
3. The Social Assistance, Education and Training Division also has the following general functions and powers:
(1) Organize and promote educational, sports and cultural activities to elevate the socio-cultural levels of prisoners;
(2) Coordinate the assignment of work of different areas of labor to prisoners, and strive to enable prisoners to be accustomed to the work assigned and re-join the workforce more easily upon release;
(3) Provide assistance for visits to prisoners and monitor the contact of prisoners with the outside world;
(4) Establish liaison with other entities, especially those with the responsibilities of preventing and treating drug dependency, so that drug dependency prevention and treatment work can be conducted in prison;
(5) Research and provide suggestions for the remuneration system and productivity and reward system concerning prisoners;
(6) Take charge of providing basic health care and medical care and assistances for prisoners and juveniles placed in detention.
4. The work of the Social Assistance, Education and Training Division shall coordinate with that of the Social Reintegration Department of the Social Welfare Bureau.
Security and Vigilance Division
The Security and Vigilance Division is the prison affairs technical department referred to in criminal law, criminal procedure law and laws and regulations on the enforcement of penalty and security punishment, and has the following functions and powers:
(1) Adopt the necessary measures to enforce the penalty of liberty deprivation, remand measures and security punishment;
(2) Ensure the safety of prison facilities and equipment, supervise the operational status of security facilities and equipment, and submit reports periodically;
(3) Place prisoners on the necessary monitoring and arrange for the escorts of prisoners out of the prison;
(4) Adopt the corresponding safety, prevention and control measures to prevent and respond to emergency incidents in prison;
(5) Provide the information necessary for the formulation of reports as stipulated by law;
(6) Provide security opinions and operational support for activities that facilitate the social reintegration of prisoners;
(7) Ensure that the food for prisoners meet health and quality requirements according to established standards;
(8) When required by the supervisory entity, carry out the procedure relating to the transfer of sentenced persons in accordance with international and regional cooperation agreements;
(9) Launch case-specific inquiry procedures against prisoners and enforce disciplinary punishment in accordance with the law;
(10) Supervise the implementation of and implement measures to protect environmental sanitation in prison and prevent infectious diseases;
(11) Assist in providing operational support for the safety and order management of the Youth Correctional Institution.
Prison Affairs Support Division
The Prison Affairs Support Division has the following functions and powers:
(1) Handle the general administrative tasks related to prison affairs;
(2) Research and evaluate the operation of prison facilities and equipment, and provide suggestions for improvement;
(3) Assist in managing the resources required for prison operation and articles related to prisoners;
(4) Research and suggest knowledge and technologies conducive to prison management;
(5) Gather, analyze and process prison security information, especially information that involves prisoners potentially endangering prison order and safety;
(6) Conduct risk assessment relating to prison security, hygiene and safety, and devise various response measures;
(7) Plan security operations, organize and coordinate simulation exercises in prison, assess the relevant results and provide suggestions for improvement;
(8) Provide opinions for the professional training essential to the development of prison affairs;
(9) Support the efforts of security, supervision, and social reintegration;
(10) Assist in providing opinions and technical support in terms of the safety and order management of the Youth Correctional Institution.
Youth Correctional Institution
1. The Youth Correctional Institution is the educational institution referred to in Law No. 2/2007, System of the Educational Guardianship for Young Offenders and its clients include:
(1) Juveniles to be sent to the judge;
(2) Juveniles consigned to the care of the Youth Correctional Institution;
(3) Juveniles ordered to be observed under the detention system;
(4) Juveniles placed in detention.
2. As the educational institution, the Youth Correctional Institution has the following functions and powers:
(1) Formulate the reports required for decision-making as stipulated by law;
(2) Observe juveniles;
(3) Formulate the personal education plans as stipulated by law;
(4) Assist the judicial authorities in the correct enforcement of various measures, specifically, provision of assistances in social, economic, familial and psychological respects, and the respects of medical and health care, employment, school education, vocational training, as well as cultural, recreational and sports activities, and make juveniles abide by the disciplinary regulations.
3. The Youth Correctional Institution also has the following general functions and powers:
(1) Facilitate the receipt of education by juveniles currently placed in detention;
(2) Take charge of managing the personnel, property and equipment assigned to the Youth Correctional Institution and the conduct of engineering projects.
4. The Youth Correctional Institution is headed by a director. The rank of the director is equivalent to that of a department.
5. The Director of the Youth Correctional Institution has the functions and powers to ensure the safety and discipline in the Institution and may request Coloane Prison to provide technical and operational support without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Article 15, Clause 2.
6. The Youth Correctional Institution must set the detailed provisions regarding its organization and operation in accordance with the internal regulations recognized by the Secretary for Security.
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