- Administrative Regulation No. 27/2015 (Organization and Operation of the Correctional Services Bureau)
- Administrative Regulation No. 31/2015 (System of the Correctional Services Fund)
- Law No. 7/2006 (Personnel Statute for the Career of the Corps of Prison Guards)
- Administrative Regulation No. 3/2022 (System of the Recruitment and Promotion Examinations and the Training Programs of the Corps of Prison Guards)
- Decree-Law No. 60/94/M of 5 December (Approving the Disciplinary System of the Corps of Prison Guards of Macao)
- Decree-Law No. 40/94/M of 25 July (Approving the Execution System of the Measures of Depriving Liberty)
- Decree-Law No. 86/99/M of 22 November (Regulating the Judicial Intervention System Concerning the Execution of Penalty and Detention Security Measure and Respective Effects)
- Dispatch No. 8/GM/96 of 31 January (Approving the Coloane Prison Regulations)
- Decree-Law No. 113/99/M of 17 December (Approving the Agreement between the Government of Portugal and the Government of Macao on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons)
- Chief Executive’s Announcement No. 13/2005 (Announcing the Arrangement between the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons)
- Chief Executive’s Announcement No. 4/2018 (Ordering the Announcement of the Agreement between the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, signed in Macao on 15 December 2017)
- Chief Executive’s Announcement No. 39/2018 (Ordering the Announcement of the Agreement between the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, signed in Macao on 1 June 2018)
- Law No. 2/2007 (System of the Educational Guardianship for Young Offenders)