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The Youth Correctional Institution is an educational institution described in Law No. 2/2007, System of the Educational Guardianship for Young Offendersthat is responsible for executing the court-imposed measures of detention. Under the Youth Correctional Institution, there are the Observation Centre, Educational Centre and the Education and Training Centre. The objective of the detention services provided by the Youth Correctional Institution is mainly to correct the cognitive, emotional and behavioral problems, etc. of the detainee, enhance his/ her independent thinking, self-care ability and life skills, so as to facilitate detainees’ successful reintegration into the society in the future.

Educational Detention

Under the Youth Correctional Institution, there are the Observation Centre, Educational Centre and the Education and Training Centre:

Observation Centre:

Target clients:
  1. Young people required to be observed at the institution.
  2. Young people who have yet to receive the ruling by the court, but are required to be temporarily placed at the institution.
Length of detention: in the scenario described in no. 1 above, the period of observation shall not exceed 20 days but can be extended for ten days under exceptional circumstances.

Educational Centre:

Training content: training for an orderly life, standard education and supplementary education.
Target clients: young people who have received the ruling of educational detention for the first time (except those to whom the detention measures in the Education and Training Centre applies)
Length of detention: one year minimum and three years maximum
If the detainee of this Centre has been behaving poorly for an extended period of time, the judge can transfer him/ her to the Education and Training Centre.

Education and Training Centre:

Training content: trainings on discipline and physical fitness, various learning activities, vocational training and supplementary education.

Target clients:
    1. Young people with serious offence
    2. Young people who are previously subject to a non-detention measure, has long-term poor behavior and reach 16 years old when receiving the ruling of detention measure
    3. Young people who commit an offence again during detention at or upon departure from the Youth Correctional Institution
    4. Detainees of the Educational Centre who have disciplinary violation
    5. Young people who are former detainees of the Youth Correctional Institution approved for early departure but later behave poorly
Length of detention: one to three years normally; three years minimum and five years maximum for young people with serious offence.


The Youth Correctional Institution is divided into the Boys’ Home and the Girls’ Home, with each Home having its own team of counselors. Furthermore, among the Institution’s personnel there are also social workers, psychologists as well as other staff members in charge of vocational training, art education and general education. All the staff members are committed to their duties while displayingtheir strengths, mutual support and cooperation, which serves to further enhance the continuity, planning and specificity of the services provided.

Contact Information

Address: Estrada de Cheoc Van no 1, Coloane
Telephone: (853) 2888 2439 / (853) 8899 3109
Fax: (853) 2888 0178

Address:Estrada da Barragem de Ká Hó, Coloane, Macao | | Enquires & Complaints:(853)8896 1280 / 8896 1283 | Fax:(853)2888 2431
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