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Application requirements for the admittance examination for the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards:
Permanent resident of the Macao Special Administrative Region
Being 18 years of age as at the ending date of the examination application period and not exceeding 35 years of age as at 31 December of the year when the examination is launched;
Senior secondary school graduate
At least 1.65m in height for males and at least 1.55m for females
Meeting the general requirements for performance of public functions under the current laws
Referenced Laws and Regulations
The current Law No. 7/2006, Personnel Statute for the Career of the Corps of Prison Guards
Administrative Regulation No. 3/2022, System of the Recruitment and Promotion Examinations and the Training Programs of the Corps of Prison Guards
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 129/2022 (Approving the criteria for assessing the physical conditions of candidates in the physical examination for the admittance examination for the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards of the Correctional Services Bureau)
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 130/2022 (Approving the specifications of the physical fitness test in the admittance examination for the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards of the Correctional Services Bureau)
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 132/2022 (Approving the formula to be applied in the final assessment of the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards)
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 133/2022 (With regard to the mandatory compensation by a cadet for withdrawal from the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards of the Correctional Services Bureau)
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 38/2023 (Amending the value of the “A” that needs to be considered in the formula for calculating the compensation by a cadet due to withdrawal from the initial training program for entry into the position of prison guard of the career of the Corps of Prison Guards of the Correctional Services Bureau referred to in paragraph 1 of the Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 133/2022)
Dispatch of the Secretary for Security No. 37/2023 (With regard to the mandatory compensation to be paid to the Macao Special Administrative Region by a prison guard who has not completed the minimum period of actual service and whose request for dismissal has been approved)
The current Law No. 14/2009, Career Systems of Public Servants
The current Administrative Regulation No. 14/2016, Recruitment, Selection and Promotion Training for Public Servants
Address:Estrada da Barragem de Ká Hó, Coloane, Macao | E-mail:info@dsc.gov.mo | Enquires & Complaints:(853)8896 1280 / 8896 1283 | Fax:(853)2888 2431
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